Sunday, February 26, 2012

Packing, Packing, Packing... and Saying Goodbye

The past week or so has been devoted to packing up all our needed possessions. I have been sorting through our stuff, deciding what goes with us and what needs to find a new owner. Not fun. It is hard and horrible, but we simply do not need so much. My mom has so much stuff there already! I could not feel at ease with a cluttered "new" place. So tomorrow is an action-packed day devoted to packing up my kitchen. Ugh!

I am so sick of boxes!!!

Last night was a "farewell party" for our family. I thought it was very sweet that someone (Sharon Roundy) would be willing to plan it for us. I have to admit it was a little embarrassing to have all the focus on our family, but my kids could not have been happier. We've truly loved this Ward!

We have been here for nearly 8 years and our kids have grown up here. When we moved in this house, Dallin was 5, Aubree was almost 3, and Zoe was almost 1. Cole and Emma came later. We have seen our own children grow up beside all their buddies, kids we will always adore. Through Primary, Scouts, Elders Quorum, and Young Mens, Dan and I have been able to get to know the wonderful adults and youth here and learn so much! We will miss them all!

Today was the last day of church here for the kids and I. I was sad to say goodbye, but glad that I have a reason to visit from time to time. When I am in Texas, I'll just have to stop by!

We visited my dad's after church today. It felt so weird to be moving so far away form dad, Luz, and my little sister, Anjolie. I felt awful when we pulled away from their house. My sis looked so sad! She loves the kids and I so much! I hope she has a chance to visit us on our farm!

So for tonight I am trying to stay positive about the days ahead of me. I have a feeling that I will not be so positive in the morning. Packing is in my future!

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