I got the test results back from the biopsy and it is benign. Good news! I have not be working too hard on exercising and dieting, but I haven't been "bad" either. Not really losing too quickly, but definitely not gaining. I need to rededicate myself to being more diligent. I will try harder.
I have a naughty habit of being "obsessed" and/or "focused" on one subject at a time. I don't know why I do that. So right now I am "focused" on self-reliance.
First obsession: I badly want to build a chicken tractor and house about 4 to 6 hens. Our HOA does not allow it, but I know a few families in our neighborhood have some and have yet to be warned or fined. So I am thinking about trying it out. I wanted to build an A-frame, like the one pictured below. This would be sufficient protection from predators when caged and would allow me to be able move it freely throughout the yard as needed. I would also be able to let them 'free-range" in the day outside of their cage. I am wondering if I could use either used pallets or our old swingset for lumber. Hmmm... 
Next obsession: I cannot wait until it cools off a bit, so I can get my fall garden going. I want to get more production from our garden than we have been doing. I am debating whether we need more garden beds. I need to build a new compost bin, because we only have a pile right now. And maybe start a worm bin...

Next obsession: I cannot wait until it cools off a bit, so I can get my fall garden going. I want to get more production from our garden than we have been doing. I am debating whether we need more garden beds. I need to build a new compost bin, because we only have a pile right now. And maybe start a worm bin...
Final and worst obsession: FOOD STORAGE! I feel like such a loser because I am so far behind! I recently read a book that scared me into action. One Second After by William R. Forstchen. And yesterday my cousin Christen loaned me some literature on food storage. After reading some of the doctrinal information on preparedness, it is apparent that I need to repent and get into action. Or else I am not following the prophet.
I am trying to make up my lists of what I need, how much, and what it should cost to obtain a months worth, 3 months worth, and a years worth. I also have recently obtained more canning supplies and a dehydrator. Now I just need to buy a wheat grinder. Ugh! How will I find the money to buy these things?! I am so frustrated with myself! If I was more careful with money and purchases, I should be able to get it together. In time. My worry is that I may not be able to get it all together in time for a disaster.
So, basically today I feel like a nervous wreck!
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